
[외국가요] Primavera - 봄 (노래 : Mariza)

clara40 2016. 8. 8. 20:59

                                                    Primavera (봄)

                                           노래 : Mariza

Primavera - Spring

All the love that had tied us,
as if it was of wax,
was breaking and crumbling down.

Ai, tragic Spring
how I wish, how I wish that we
had died on that day

And I was comdemd to so much
to live with my crying
to live, to live, and without you

Living, however without forgetting

the enchantment that I lost that day
hard bread of loliness
that's all we get
that's all we are given to eat

What does the heart matter,
whatever it says, yes or no,
if it keeps on living

All love that had tied us,
was breaking and crumbling down,
was turning into dread

No one should talk to about Spring
how I wish, how I wish that we
had died on that day.


 Fado(포르투갈어로 "운명")가수 "Mariza".       

 국민 파두 가수 "Amalia Rodrigues"를 계승하는
 신세대 가수인 "Mariza"는 포르투갈의 식민지였던
 모잠비크에서 포르투갈인 아버지와 흑인 어머니
 사이에서 태어났다. 그녀는 이력 만큼이나 독특한
 외모와 카리스마 넘치는 무대 매너, 탁월한 가창력을
 인정받아 단 한장의 데뷔 앨범으로 일약 스타덤에
 오르게 되었다.